SCSQL Backup appears slow
Applies to
SCSQL Backup appears slow and it takes a couple of minutes before SC UI shows job as running.
Much more than expected time is taken during SCSQL envioronment discovery because some WMI queries are taking 20 second to be executed and it takes 50 sec to fetch database properties.
From the SmSql_123.log in the Backup job logs:
2024-07-03T17:39:33.8386294+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[32] Resource: SELECT * FROM MSCLUSTER_RESOURCE WHERE Type = "Network Name"
2024-07-03T17:39:54.6512109+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[32] searcher->Get() complete
2024-07-03T17:39:54.7293430+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[32] Resource: SELECT * FROM MSCLUSTER_RESOURCE WHERE Type = "SQL Server"
2024-07-03T17:40:15.4637909+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[32] searcher->Get() complete
2024-07-03T17:42:24.3830339+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[13] Fetching Database [DB1] properties...
2024-07-03T17:43:14.6038094+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[13] FillAGDetails
2024-07-03T17:43:14.6819346+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_123 PID=[6124] TID=[13] Fetching Database [model] properties...
2024-07-03T17:44:04.9016294+02:00 DEBUG SmSql_453 PID=[6124] TID=[13] FillAGDetails