SCSQL backup and retention failing due to quiesce timeout
Applies to
- SnapCenter Server (SC)
- SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server (SCSQL)
- Retention fails to be applied due to SQL VDI failing to quiesce the database within the time frame allowed by SnapCenter (10-minute default) during the backup operation. The error in the
<installation_path>\Program Files\NetApp\SnapCenter\SnapCenter Plug-in for Microsoft SQL Server\log\SmSql_<id>.log
shows the following:
2021-10-24T22:30:31.7418961+03:00 DEBUG SmSql_749 PID=[5364] TID=[84] Executing command - BACKUP DATABASE "<DB_name>" TO VIRTUAL_DEVICE='<Virtual_Device_ID>' WITH SNAPSHOT, DESCRIPTION='NetApp SnapManager Snapshot based backup, restore it using SnapManager.'
2021-10-24T22:30:31.7428970+03:00 DEBUG SmSql_749 PID=[5364] TID=[84] Vdi timeout value - 600000
2021-10-24T22:30:31.7455366+03:00 DEBUG SmSql_749 PID=[5364] TID=[84] Connecting to SQL Server: [SQL_Server_name]
2021-10-24T22:40:31.7356516+03:00 ERROR SmSql_749 PID=[5364] TID=[20] Quiesce could not complete for one or more databases within the timeout.
2021-10-24T22:40:31.7366532+03:00 DEBUG SmSql_749 PID=[5364] TID=[20] Quiesce Done
- There are no retention errors shown in the job logs