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NetApp Knowledge Base

What are the functional differences between the Active IQ Unified Manager platforms (Windows, Red Hat / CentOS, VMware OVA)?

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • OnCommand Unified Manager 7.3 ( OCUM )
  • OnCommand Unified Manager 9.4 ( OCUM )
  • OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5 ( OCUM ) 
  • Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6 ( AIQUM )
  • Active IQ Unified Manager 9.7 ( AIQUM )
  • Active IQ Unified Manager 9.8 ( AIQUM )
  • VMware Virtual Machine OVA
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Red Hat 6.x
  • Red Hat 7.x
  • CentOS 7.x


For Active IQ Unified Manager there is no functional difference between the supported platforms in regards to the web user interface. The front-end user experience is the same regardless of platform. For example, an Active IQ Unified Manager server deployed as a VMware OVA will behave the same in the web interface as a Active IQ Unified Manager deployed on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux server. However, maintenance activities on the backend can be different such as: support bundle generation procedures, backup location, network setup, hostname setup, etc.

The key take away is that whether you deploy Active IQ Unified Manager on a Windows Server, Linux Server, or as a VMware OVA the web user interface will functionally be the same.

Additional Information


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