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NetApp Knowledge Base

Validating a successful SAML setup in AIQUM

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM)
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML)


Determining if SAML authentication was setup correctly between Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) and AIQUM

  1. Log on to UM server using SSO from IDP server successfully

    Web UI error:

    No error

    Log: ocumserver.log

    2020-11-17 14:25:17,558 INFO  [umadmin] [default task-2121] [service.mfa.SAMLIdpMetadataAccessService|saveMetadataDetails] [com.netapp.dfm.impl.mfa.MfaUtils] Enable MFA: public url https://adfs2/federationmetadata/200...onmetadata.xml passed basic validation
    2020-11-17 14:25:17,574 INFO  [umadmin] [default task-2121] [service.mfa.SAMLIdpMetadataAccessService|saveMetadataDetails] [com.netapp.dfm.impl.mfa.MfaUtils] Enable MFA: public url value https://adfs2/federationmetadata/200...onmetadata.xml saved in global option
    2020-11-17 14:25:18,474 INFO  [umadmin] [default task-2121] [service.mfa.SAMLIdpMetadataAccessService|saveMetadataDetails] [com.netapp.dfm.impl.mfa.MfaUtils] Update MFA: Restarting UM services


    2020-11-17 15:27:41,946 INFO  [oncommand] [default task-39] [c.n.d.c.a.SSOUserDetailsService] Parsing out the LDAP attributes from the SAML response
    2020-11-17 15:27:41,947 INFO  [oncommand] [default task-39] [c.n.d.c.a.SSOUserDetailsService] LDAP Group Info from the SAML assertion: [Domain Admins, Domain Users, Insight_admin, ocigroup, ocioperator, Informix-Admin]
    2020-11-17 15:27:41,947 INFO  [oncommand] [default task-39] [c.n.d.c.a.SSOUserDetailsService] Parsed attribute values from the SAML assertion: userName : domain_user_name, nameId : domain_user_name

    Log: audit.log
    Nov 17 14:25:17 [:INFO]:umadmin:WEB:action:[]::Option saml.idp.metadata.access.url value changed from null to https://adfs/federationmetadata/2007...onmetadata.xml
    Nov 17 14:25:18 [:INFO]:umadmin:WEB:action:[]::Option mfa.enabled value changed from null to true
    Nov 17 14:25:18 [:INFO]:umadmin:WEB:in:[]::Update MFA: Restarting UM services


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