Unified Manager database restore fails due to unknown command
- Views:
- 339
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- Public
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- Category:
- active-iq-unified-manager
- Specialty:
- OM
- Last Updated:
- 6/17/2022, 2:48:07 AM
Applies to
- Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM)
- Windows
- Language of Windows is Japanese
AIQUM repository database restore fails with errors:
2021-12-1 15:54:38,000 INFO [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Running mysql dump command
ERROR at line 32103: Unknown command '\・.
2021-12-1 15:59:26,000 ERROR [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Failed to Restore mysql dumps with exitcode 1
2021-12-1 15:59:27,000 INFO [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Clearing the directory C:\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommandAppData\ocum\backup\UMrestore-11-12-2021-14-33-27
2021-12-1 15:59:27,000 INFO [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Deleting the directory C:\ProgramData\NetApp\OnCommandAppData\ocum\backup\UMrestore-11-12-2021-14-33-27
2021-12-1 15:59:27,000 INFO [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Sucessfully deleted the backup extract folder
2021-12-1 15:59:28,000 INFO [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Clearing the log files by retaining only 5 latest log files
2021-12-1 15:59:28,000 INFO [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Successfully cleared the Active IQ Unified Manager log files
2021-12-1 15:59:28,000 ERROR [Active IQ] [restore] [restore.bat] Restore operation failed
Restore failed