How to update DNS servers in Active IQ Unified Manager?
Applies to
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.x (Linux)
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.x (Windows)
For Active IQ Unified Manager (AIQUM) servers installed using a binary installer (RHEL, Windows):
- AIQUM does not manage or maintain separate DNS settings from the host OS.
- The DNS servers will need to be updated through the host operating system. Refer to the vendor documentation for how to update DNS settings in the host OS.
Note: This is not an exhaustive list of ways to configure DNS on a host OS. If there are any questions about how DNS should be configured, it would be best to work with the Linux or Windows server teams internally for your company.
For AIQUM servers deployed as an appliance (vApp):
- Access the Network Configuration menu in the AIQUM Maintenance Menu
- Select the option to Change Domain Name Search Settings
- Select Commit Changes
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