SGF6112 Storage nodes duplicate Eth0 MAC address
Applies to
- NetApp StorageGRID
- SGF6112 Storage Appliance
- During expansion of SGF6112 storage nodes, 3 of the nodes were having dropped packets and network issues causing the expansion to stall.
Heartbeat failures:
[2024-04-16T06:31:20.004] Dummy-28674 - WARNING -- 3e3f6f13-01ae-44ad-8a6a-87952c28d6b7: heartbeat to dcmipstsgn217/ (92e9be83-3b67-4217-abf6-f048c55c2308) failed: The read operation timed out
Network connection failures:
WARN [InternalResponseStage:2669] 2024-04-16 06:34:50,393 (line 1219) Resetting connection pool to /, too many failed echo attempts: 11. This usually indicates a network issue.