SMHV backup fails when the clone split load exceeds the maximum
- Views:
- 398
- Visibility:
- Public
- Votes:
- 6
- Category:
- snapmanager
- Specialty:
- legacy
- Last Updated:
- 7/24/2020, 5:39:36 AM
Applies to
- SnapManager for Hyper-V (SMHV)
- SnapDrive
- SMHV Application-consistent mode backup fails with the following error in Backup report:
Error:Vss Requestor-Backup Components failed. The shadow copy provider timed out while flushing data to the volume being shadow copied.This is probably due to excessive activity on the volume. Try again later when the volumeis not being used so heavily.
- The following error pops up from SMHV server Application event log when SnapDrive fails to create a LUN clone:
Failed to create a consistent Snapshot copy({1c55fd0b-87b2-41ee-9008-35d0909e36ec}) of the LUN(s) [\?\Volume{287ae75e-00b2-4aa3-b7ae-852aca3fa355}\ ].Error code:Failed to create LUN clone since storage system 'SAN-FCP' is experiencing high load.
- The following error could be found from AutoSupport Audit-mlog log:
0000001c.017ef16e 41de4afb Wed Jul 01 2020 15:47:00 +08:00 [kern_audit:info:1648] 8503e80002dcf6f8 :: FAS8020:ontapi :: ::SAN-FCP:vsadmin :: <netapp nmsdk_language="C" nmsdk_platform="Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter AMD64" version="1.0" xmlns="" nmsdk_version="5.4"><clone-token-create><node>FAS8020-01</node><reserve-size>52776587902976</reserve-size></clone-token-create></netapp> :: Pending
0000001c.017ef16f 41de4afb Wed Jul 01 2020 15:47:00 +08:00 [kern_audit:info:1648] 8503e80002dcf6f8 :: YCM-FAS8020: ontapi :: ::SAN-FCP:vsadmin ::Failed to create token for node "FAS8020-01". Reason:Reached maximum split load allowed on the node. :: ONTAPI :: Error