Active IQ Unified Manager is unable to update cluster data with errors: "cannot update server" or "INTERNAL_ERROR"
Applies to
- OnCommand Unified Manager 6.x ( OCUM )
- OnCommand Unified Manager 7.x ( OCUM )
- OnCommand Unified Manager 9.4 ( OCUM )
- OnCommand Unified Manager 9.5 ( OCUM )
- Active IQ Unified Manager 9.6+ ( AIQUM )
- The following error messages are reported within the Support Bundle collected from the UM instance:
- oncommand-um-logs-*
- ocumserver-debug.*
insert_date 09:15:17,407 DEBUG [oncommand] [reconcile-0] [c.n.dfm.collector.OcieJmsListener] OCIE JMS notification message received: {, DatasourceID=4,, PackageName=netappfoundation, PollStartTime=1472735593478, ErrorCount=1, Success=false, DurationTime=123147, Error0_Message=Cannot update server (com.netapp.oci.server.UpdateTaskException [339-132-983]), NotificationType=PACKAGE_COMPLETED, Error0_Type=INTERNAL_ERROR, UpdateTime=1472735717403, Error0_Port=443, MessageType=PACKAGE_NOTIFICATION}
- This error can result in "Cluster Monitoring Failed" error within the Unified Manager web interface.
- Gaps in Performance graphs seen in the AIQUM server during the timestamp of the "INTERNAL ERROR"