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NetApp Knowledge Base

Aggregate is not visible on system manager but can be access through cluster cli

Last Updated:

Applies to

Oncommand system manager 9.x

Ontap System Manager 9.8+


Scenario 1:

Confirm and check the following.

  1. Capture the name of the aggregate that is missing or not visible in  the System Manager page.
  2. Be sure to clear the cache in System Manager browser or use "incognito or private" mode to test again
  3. Enable Oncommand System Manager debug logs (KB)
    • After enabling the debug logs in system manager UI, go to storage > aggregate & disk > aggregates
    • Capture the "sysmgr.log" which is part of the KB mention above and look at the output of the zapi request below
      • <aggr-get-iter><desired-attributes><aggr-attributes><is-object-store-attach-eligible/><aggr-raid-attributes/><aggr-fs-attributes/><aggr-inode-attributes/><aggr-snapshot-attributes/><aggr-space-attributes/><aggr-ownership-attributes/><aggr-volume-count-attributes/><is-cft-precommit/><aggr-snaplock-attributes/><aggregate-uuid/></aggr-attributes></desired-attributes><max-records>25</max-records></aggr-get-iter>
      • Note: If the zapi output not showing the aggregate name then please contact "NetApp Support".
  4. For Ontap System Manager which uses "REST" do confirm the following
    • Go to storage > tiers, confirm if the aggregate is available
      • Node root aggregates will not be shown by Ontap System Manager
    • Capture the "sysmgr.log" as mentioned in "step 3" above and look at the output of the "restapi" below
      • cluster_name/api/storage/aggregates?fields=name,uuid,node
      • Note: If the restapi not showing the aggregate name then please contact "NetApp Support"
Scenario 2:

This may or may not be the cause of the issue but it is worth checking, If customer could not find the aggregate when looking at Storage Virtual Machine (SVM) then please do check SVM settings and tab called "Resource Allocation" and make sure the aggregate in question is selected, please see the screenshot below.



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