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Can the cf giveback -f command be disruptive?

Last Updated:

Applies to

Data ONTAP 8.2 7-Mode


Yes it is disruptive.

  • When performing a cf giveback, the system performs a number of checks to prevent the giveback from being disruptive. This can include checking for failed disks, active CIFS sessions, active backups, and the HA partner's status.
  • The cf giveback -f command will bypass any of these checks. This command will only be canceled or vetoed by the system if there is a risk of data loss. The cf giveback -f command will allow a giveback in situations where an interruption in service is possible.
  • For example, the cf giveback -f command will perform a giveback when the partner is not ready for a giveback.


storage1(takeover)> cf status
storage1 has taken over storage2.
storage1(takeover)> cf giveback
Partner not waiting for giveback, giveback cancelled.

To perform a giveback without checking for partner readiness, either set the cf.giveback.check.partner option to off before performing a cf giveback again or Perform a cf giveback -f.
The first choice disables checking for all future cf giveback, until it is turned back to on. The second choice is good for this giveback only.
storage1(takeover)> cf giveback -f
Fri Jan 31 19:29:50 EST [storage1:cf.misc.operatorGiveback:info]: Failover monitor: giveback -f initiated by operator
Fri Jan 31 19:29:50 EST [storage1:cf.misc.givebackPartnerNotReady:notice]: Giveback is being initiated before the partner is in the waiting-for-giveback state. The partner is in the SF_UNKNOWN state.
Fri Jan 31 19:29:50 EST []: Failover monitor: giveback started.
Fri Jan 31 19:29:53 EST []: Failover monitor: giveback completed
Fri Jan 31 19:29:53 EST [storage1:cf.fsm.stateTransit:info]: Failover monitor: TAKEOVER --> UP
Fri Jan 31 19:29:58 EST [storage1:cf.fsm.partnerNotResponding:notice]: Failover monitor: partner not responding
Fri Jan 31 19:30:07 EST [storage1:ha.takeoverImpNotDef:warning]: Takeover of the partner node is impossible due to reason waiting for partner to recover.


  • The cf giveback -f command could also result in interruptions where the HA partner is waiting for a giveback.


Perform the following steps instead of running the cf giveback -f command:

  1. cf status:
    Verify that the HA partner is available and waiting for a giveback. Connecting to the console of the HA partner should display the following message if the system is ready for a giveback:
    Waiting for giveback...(Press Ctrl-C to abort wait)
  2. cf giveback:
    Review the messages that follow. If the giveback is cancelled, messages are reported to indicate why the giveback was cancelled.
  3. Address each of these items individually prior to performing the giveback.
  4. Attempt cf giveback again.
  5. Review the messages for any indication of services or situations that prevent the giveback.

Run the cf giveback -f command only if the above steps have been performed and only under the direction of NetApp Support.


Additional Information

BUG 553014


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