What does "vsa.scheduledEvent.scheduled" mean?
Applies to
- Cloud Volumes ONTAP (CVO)
- Microsoft Azure
- Azure does maintenance on its hypervisor hosts and other related infrastructure.
- Azure programmatically announces these maintenance activities (also called maintenance events) and the affected VMs can see these announcements.
- When CVO receives this announcement, the following message is recorded in EMS log.
Sat Jun 06 08:37:03 UTC [XXXXXXXX: mgwd: vsa.scheduledEvent.scheduled:alert]: Cloud provider event scheduled for node "XXXXXXXX". ID: 8336706E-AF85-46A6-B058-7BD3751A20D0. Type: freeze. Not before: 6/6/2020 08:51:31.
- SNMP Trap
vsaCloudProviderScheduledEventUpdate(NETAPP-MIB) received. productTrapData=cloud provider event status update for node "XXXXXX". ID: XXXXXX. Type: freeze. Status:complete. productSerialNum=XXXXXXXX
Additional Information
Azure HA rebooted with Cloud provider event scheduled for node Type freeze