Cloud Sync - Unknown system error -524 lstat
Applies to
- NetApp Cloud Sync
The error "Unknown system error -524" points to a timeout while doing an lstat of these files:
[INFO] [SCANNER] [7] [31361] [60954b3e7478a04812634737] [LIST] FAILED source { cifs: { host: 'xx.x.x.x', share: '/source-share-name', version: '2.1', provider: 'cifs', path: 'MDL/3197' } } and target: { cifs: { host: '', share: '/target-share-name', version: '2.1', provider: 'cifs', path: 'MDL/3197' } } [Error: Unknown system error -524: Unknown system error -524, lstat 'mnt/path/to/file'] { errno: -524, code: 'Unknown system error -524', syscall: 'lstat', path: 'mnt/path/to/file' }