Unable to unregister BlueXP backup and recovery for a working environment
Applies to
- NetApp Cloud Volume ONTAP(CVO)
- NetAPP BlueXP
- NetAPP BlueXP Backup and Recovery
When unregistering BlueXP Backup and Recovery from a working environment after the following task:
- Deactivate BlueXP backup and recovery for the working environment
- Delete all backups for that working environment
- The "Unregister" button is grayed out and the following message is showing:
Before you can Unregister BlueXP Backup and Recovery from the working environment,you must:
1.Deactivate Backup.
2.Delete all Backups.
- The below message shows if hover the mouse cursor over the "Delete All Backups" (grayed out) button:
Delete All Backups already in progress for the working environment