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How to read the StorageGRID EC rebalance output

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When an EC Site rebalance is in progress, we can check the status using rebalance-data status --job-id <jobID>

root@DC1-ADM1:~ # rebalance-data status --job-id 6620268690317065374
    Job ID                             : 6620268690317065374
    Site                               : Data Center 1
    State                              : Failure
    Total Moves                        : 32
    Completed Moves                    : 0
    Deferred Moves                     : 32
    Failures (retryable)               : 0
    Failures (non-retryable)           : 0
    Start Time                         : 2021-08-30 21:25:41 UTC
    Retry Rebalance                    : Yes

We can get a basic description of the status using the help command:  root@DC1-ADM1:~ # rebalance-data --help

‌‌Output for 'status' command:
        Job ID                   : Identifier of the EC site rebalance job
        Description              : The parameters of the EC site rebalance job
        State                    : The current state of the EC site rebalance job [Success|Failed|In Progress|Aborting]
        Total Moves              : Total number of internal moves required for this EC site rebalance job
        Completed Moves          : Number of moves completed
        Aborted Moves            : Number of moves aborted (if the abort operation was started)
        Deferred Moves           : Number of moves deferred for later
        Failures (retryable)     : Number of moves failed with retryable errors
        Failures (non-retryable) : Number of moves failed with non-retryable errors
        Start Time               : The UTC time of EC site rebalance job start
        End Time                 : The UTC time of EC site rebalance job completion
        Retry Rebalance          : Whether the EC site rebalance job needs to be retried


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