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NetApp Knowledge Base

Virtual Port-Channel (vPC) on Cisco switch down cause ONTAP sends different oper keys for member ports

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9.4P3 and later
  • Virtual Port-Channel (vPC) on Cisco switch
  • 40GBASE-LM4 QSFP+ Transceiver


  • vPC down on Cisco switch

id   Port   Status Consistency Reason               Active vlans         Bndl Grp Name
--   ----   ------ ----------- ------               -------------------- ----------------
2    Port2    up     failed    vpc port channel     xxxx,yyyy            VPC-XXXX_NetApp-
                               mis-config due to                         AFF700-Node1
                               vpc links in the
                               2 switches connected                                   
                               to different partners 

  • LACP ifgroup on ONTAP shows one port as down

Node                    Node01
Interface Group Name    a0a
Distribution Function   ip
Create Policy           multimode_lacp
MAC Address             02:a0:98:xx:xx:xx
Port Participation      partial
Network Ports           e4e    

Up Ports                e4e
Down Ports              ​e8e​​​​​​


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