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NetApp Knowledge Base

NetApp Element Plug-In for vCenter Server (VCP) 4.7 fails to deploy in vCenter 6.5

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Management Services 2.18.91
  • NetApp Element Plug-In for VMware vCenter Server (VCP) 4.7
  • VMware vSphere 6.5


In an environment with vCenter 6.5, after installing or upgrading to Management Services 2.18.91 and subsequently registering the NetApp Element plug-in for vCenter (VCP) 4.7, the plug-in components does not appear in the vSphere web client.
Error reported in var/log/vmware/vsphere-ui/logs/vsphere_client_virgo.log

[2021-07-27T08:11:41.853Z] [ERROR] fs-watcher org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default DE0002E Installation of par 'com.solidfire' version '4.7.0' failed. org.eclipse.virgo.kernel.osgi.framework.UnableToSatisfyBundleDependenciesException: Unable to satisfy dependencies of bundle 'com.solidfire-4.7-com.solidfire.vcp.solidfire-dataservice' at version '4.7.0': Cannot resolve: com.solidfire-4.7-com.solidfire.vcp.solidfire-dataservice
Resolver report:
     An Import-Package could not be resolved. Resolver error data <Import-Package: org.springframework.orm.hibernate5; version="0.0.0">. Caused by missing constraint in bundle <com.solidfire-4.7-com.solid
   constraint: <Import-Package: org.springframework.orm.hibernate5; version="0.0.0">
     An Import-Package could not be resolved. Resolver error data <Import-Package: org.apache.mina.core.buffer; version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)">. Caused by missing constraint in bundle <org.apache.sshd.core_0.5.0
    constraint: <Import-Package: org.apache.mina.core.buffer; version="[2.0.0,3.0.0)">
    An Import-Package could not be resolved. Resolver error data <Import-Package: com.solidfire.vcp.controller; version="0.0.0">. Caused by missing constraint in bundle <com.solidfire-4.7-com.solidfire.v
    constraint: <Import-Package: com.solidfire.vcp.controller; version="0.0.0">
   with attributes {module_scope=com.solidfire-4.7}
   An Import-Package could not be resolved. Resolver error data <Import-Package: com.solidfire.vcp.autoconfig; version="0.0.0">. Caused by missing constraint in bundle <com.solidfire-4.7-synthetic.conte
   constraint: <Import-Package: com.solidfire.vcp.autoconfig; version="0.0.0"> constrained to bundle <com.solidfire-4.7-com.solidfire.vcp.solidfire-dataservice> constrained bundle version range "[4.7.0,4.7.0]"
   with attributes {module_scope=com.solidfire-4.7}
[2021-07-27T08:16:46.873Z] [ERROR] plugin-deploy10 70000010 100005 200001 org.eclipse.virgo.medic.eventlog.default XF1009E Failed to deploy plugin package 'com.solidfire' version '4.7.0'.
[2021-07-27T08:16:46.873Z] [INFO ] vc-extensionmanager-pool-75 70000010 100005 200001 com.vmware.vise.extensionfw.impl.PackagesDeployer Processed deployment failure for plugin package 'com.solidfire:4.7.0'.

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