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NetApp Knowledge Base

What are the Licensing details for NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE)?

Last Updated:
7/28/2022, 7:54:28 PM

Applies to



Although NetApp Volume Encryption (NVE) is included in ONTAP 9.x at no extra charge, it is a Global Trade Compliance (GTC) controlled item, meaning it must not be distributed to certain "block list" countries and entities.

For GTC to track all requests for NVE and properly control its distribution, a sales representative must be engaged and a license must be obtained through the quote tool. Since some existing systems can support NVE, sales personnel will need to fill out the required information to obtain a license for that cluster through the quote tool. The quote tool will send the request to GTC, and GTC will check if the destination for that license is allowed to utilize NVE. If NVE is allowed, the order will go through and the NVE license will be granted, similar to how other add-on licenses are granted for ONTAP today.

NVE distribution will also be controlled through specific builds of ONTAP.  When new systems are sold with ONTAP 9.1, if they are shipped to locations within GTC acceptable countries, then the NVE-enabled build of ONTAP 9.1 will be shipped and the NVE license key will be installed to enable the feature. For shipments to GTC blocked countries, the non-NVE-enabled build of ONTAP 9.1 will be shipped and it will not accept any form of NVE license keys (e.g., eval, site or perpetual).

If NVE is not allowed, the order will be kicked back to the sales representative, indicating that NVE cannot be sold into that country or to that entity.



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