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NetApp Knowledge Base

FAS8020 storage initiator connection rules in a MetroCluster solution

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • MetroCluster
  • ONTAP 9
  • FAS8020 only


In a MetroCluster in clustered Data ONTAP, each controller must have two HBA initiator connections to each of the two fabrics to connect storage. Along with that, each controller requires four HBA initiator ports.

When using FAS8020 controllers, there might be a need to only use two, instead of four, HBA initiator ports to connect storage to use the single free slot for host connectivity or tape backup. This applies to the FAS8020 only and no other platform. This type configuration can also be called as a 'single initiator per fabric' configuration.

Note: If a MetroCluster is configured using FAS8020 controllers and the hardware configuration is changed, these rules must be evaluated in order to add / remote paths so the configuration remains supported.


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