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NetApp Knowledge Base

SM-BC relationship falls out of sync intermittenty

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • SnapMirror Business Continuity (SM-BC)


  • Below events are triggered on the destination cluster sporadically:
SMGROS:HA Group Notification from dest_cluster_node (SNAPMIRROR DESTINATION IS OUT OF SYNC MORE THAN 15 MINUTES: dest_iSCSI_SVM:/cg/dest_vol) ALERT
  • Below events could also be seen at the source cluster:
  1. [src_cluster_node: repl_Handle_sync_resl: callhome.syncsm.exception:error]: Call home for SNAPMIRROR SYNCHRONOUS EXCEPTION: Network Latency exceeded threshold limit.
  2. [src_cluster_node: sm_rpl_admin_main: sm.syncmirror.out.of.sync:alert]: Sync granular CG relationship with source path src_iSCSI_SVM:/cg/src_vol and destination path dest_iSCSI_SVM:/cg/dest_vol has transitioned from in-sync to out-of-sync for the follow reason: Replication engine was aborted as part of a consistency group coordinated operation.(Replication engine error).
  3. sm.syncmirror.out.of.sync:alert followed soon by event.
  • Below events can been seen on destination snapmirror audit logs.

InSyncTransfer[Mar 19 12:15:01]:138f4255-b3b9-11ee-9d67-d039eab0afa9 Operation-Uuid=a2f9e8b2-e5af-11ee-ad6f-d039eab0aa86 Group=CGflexvol Operation-Cookie=0 action=Info Transfer failed.(Replication engine was aborted as part of a consistency group coordinated operation.(Replication engine error(Refer to the corresponding sms.status.out.of.sync EMS generated on the SnapMirror destination cluster for more details on the OutOfSync reason. If the SnapMirror destination does not generate an OutOfSync EMS this could be a transient failure during a resync operation.))).

InSyncTransfer[Mar 19 14:55:15]:138f7463-b3b9-11ee-9d67-d039eab0afa9 Operation-Uuid=a2f9e8b2-e5af-11ee-ad6f-d039eab0aa86 Group=CGflexvol Operation-Cookie=0 action=Info Relationship "1397115a-b3b9-11ee-9d67-d039eab0afa9" is out of sync(Replication engine was aborted as part of a consistency group coordinated operation.(Replication engine error)).

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