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NetApp Knowledge Base

How to enable FC-NVMe on Windows

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Broadcom 32G FC adapters
  • NVMe/FC on Windows OS
  • Windows 2K12-R2
  • Windows 2K16
  • Windows 2K19.


This KB article details the steps for enabling the NVMe/FC on Windows OS.

At the time of writing this KB, the versions listed in this article are the current supported versions. However, because NVMe/FC is under rapid development, versions can change and the number of items qualified will continue to expand rapidly. For this reason, and because it is always a best practice, always check the IMT and adjust versions and hardware specifications to those listed in the IMT.

Supported Configs

  • OS: Windows 2K12-R2,Windows 2K16 and Windows 2K19.
  • HBA’s: Broadcom 32G FC adapters (i.e. LPe3200X) used for NVMe/FC support as initiator and targets
Protocol Co-existent Host Configs
  • The Broadcom initiator can serve both NVMe/FC and FC-SCSI traffic through the same 32G FC adapter ports. In fact, that is expected to be the commonly deployed host config for end users.
  • For FCP (FC-SCSI) and FC/NVMe, Use MSDSM as the MPIO option.
Host Bus Adapter (HBA)
  • 32G FC Broadcom/Emulex LPe3200X adapters used as NVMe/FC initiators and targets.
  • LPe3200X firmware v12.6.182.8 available on the Broadcom site.
  • LPe3200X Driver v12.6.165.0 available on the Broadcom site.

 For Latest driver/firmware support check IMT.



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