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NetApp Knowledge Base

High application latency due to zero port B2B credit on Cisco Fabric Interconnect

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • Flexpod
  • ONTAP 9
  • SAN switches
  • CISCO UCS with Fabric Interconnect


Latency induced for all the NetApp volumes/LUNs which was mainly driven by the Network layer.

Workload            ID    Latency  Network    Cluster  Data    Disk     QoSMax QoSMin NVRAM   Cloud FlexCache SM Sync VA
--------------- ------ ----------  --------   -------- ------- -------- ------- ----- ------- ----- --------- ------- ----
-total-              -     8.80ms  8.01ms    16.00us 661.00us 102.00us 0ms     0ms   12.00us 0ms   0ms       0ms     0ms
SESKSVM15_FCH..  15981    47.93ms  47.00ms   0ms     846.00us 49.00us  0ms     0ms   33.00us 0ms   0ms       0ms     0ms
-total-              -     8.80ms  8.05ms    14.00us 627.00us 100.00us 0ms     0ms   11.00us 0ms   0ms       0ms     0ms
SESKSVM15_FCH..  15981    81.71ms  80.74ms   0ms     929.00us 17.00us  0ms     0ms   28.00us 0ms   0ms       0ms     0ms
-total-              -    10.05ms  9.00ms    18.00us 892.00us 123.00us 0ms


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