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NetApp Knowledge Base

NetApp H-series node reboots unexpectedly with 'Bus Fatal Error'

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp H-series nodes
  • NetApp Element software


  • Node offline seen in element UI alerts
  • From the IPMI event log, 'Bus Fatal Error' detects when node reboots.
SEL Record ID          : 0019
 Record Type           : 02
 Timestamp             : 09/29/2021 16:28:19
 Generator ID          : 0001
 EvM Revision          : 04
 Sensor Type           : Critical Interrupt
 Sensor Number         : a1
 Event Type            : Sensor-specific Discrete
 Event Direction       : Assertion Event
 Event Data            : aa0061
 Description           : Bus Fatal Error
  • This has been seen in connection to actions taken, such as after a drive replacement or on the first bootup of a new node, but may also occur during normal operation


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