Adding a node to Element Cluster hangs with node in PendingActive state
Applies to
- Element Software 12.0
After configuring a new or replacement node to be added to the cluster, the node moves from the Pending tab to the PendingActive tab, and does not progress further.
In the pending node's
log, you may see:
2021-04-09T18:46:57.047946Z NOD-SFC-CL1-22 master-1[24741]: [EXPERR-4] [Util] 25421 DBCallback ./shared/LoopUntil.h:218:LoopUntilNoThrow|Threw exception at solidfire::IPAddress solidfire::VirtualNetworkInfo::ReserveAddress() (shared/VirtualNetworkInfo.cpp:302): Too few IP addresses supplied for VirtualNetwork ##