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NetApp Knowledge Base

Metadata sync hang due to incorrectly started metadata service

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • NetApp Element OS 10.2
  • H300S
  • HCI clusters


  • During the network-related manual activities, 2 slice services(metadata services) were restarted
2023-05-17 09:01:01
New registration for MetadataService of size 40
NodeID 4
Service ID: 2
2023-05-17 09:01:53
New registration for MetadataService of size 40
NodeID 3
Service ID: 3
Unhealthy block service added(generated 6 times/6 block drives)
Service ID: 16
2023-05-17 09:15:47
Bond network interface (Bond1G & Bond10G)
NodeID 1
2023-05-17 09:16:10~11
Bond network interface (Bond1G & Bond10G)
NodeID 3
2023-05-17 09:16:45
Unbond network interface (Bond1G & Bond10G)
NodeID 3
2023-0517 09:14:23
nodeID 2: Hardware fault ID 59 text=Network Interface eth0 is down or cable is unplugged
2023-0517 09:16:36
nodeID 4: Hardware fault ID 60 text=Network Interface eth0 is down or cable is unplugged
2023-0517 09:17:31
Restarted SliceService: Previous run exited. Status:1
NodeID 3
ServiceID: 44
DriveID: 13
2023-0517 09:16:47
NodeID 1: Hardware fault ID 62 text=Network Interface eth0 is down or cable is unplugged
2023-0517 09:17:46
NodeID 3: Hardware fault ID 61 text=Network Interface eth0 is down or cable is unplugged
2023-0517 09:17:48
Restarted SliceService: Previous run exited. Status:1
NodeID: 4
ServiceID: 62
DriveID: 7
2023-0517 09:22:58
hardware fault resolved
NodeID 2
2023-0517 09:23.18
hardware fault resolved
NodeID 1
2023-0517 09:25:07
hardware fault resolved
NodeID 4
2023-0517 09:26:20
hardware fault resolved
NodeID 3
  • Metadata sync task was stuck
2023-0517 09:16:42
Error code: volumeDegraded
Details: Local replication and synchronization of the following volumes is in progress. Progress of the synchronization can be seen in the Running Tasks window.[8] Replication and syncing finished for volumes:[7]
Running task:
Task Type: Metadata Sync
Task Description: Metadata service 8 undefined syncing.
Current Progress: %
Elapsed Time: NaN:NaN:NaN
Remaining Time: NaN:NaN:NaN
Slice service ID: 44
NodeID 3
Slice service ID: 62
NodeID 4
SliceID(volumeID): 1
Volume name: Datastore-01
Primary: 44
Live Secondary: 62
SliceID(volumeID): 7
Volume name: Datastore-04
Primary: 16
Live Secondary: 62
SliceID(volumeID): 8
Volume name: Datastore-05
Primary: 62
Dead Secondary: 44
  • Customer was complaining that host servers could not access 2 volumes
Datastore-01 (volumeID 1)
Datastore-05 (volumeID 8)

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