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Object store unavailable causing replication failure

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Storage Grid
  • ONTAP Select


  • Object store unavailable messages seen in ems logs

Mon Mar 27 06:32:57 +0000 [OntapData-01: OscLowPriThreadPool:]: Unable to connect to the object store "Object_Store" from node eyyyyyy4-821c-498c-a82a-bxxxxxxxxxxd. Reason: Operation Timedout.
Mon Mar 27 06:33:42 +0000 [OntapData-01: OscLowPriThreadPool:]: Able to connect to the object store "Object_Store" from node eyyyyyy4-821c-498c-a82a-bxxxxxxxxxxd.
Mon Mar 27 12:59:21 +0000 [OntapData-01: OscLowPriThreadPool:]: Unable to connect to the object store "Object_Store" from node eyyyyyy4-821c-498c-a82a-bxxxxxxxxxxd. Reason: Operation Timedout.
Mon Mar 27 13:00:06 +0000 [OntapData-01: OscLowPriThreadPool:]: Able to connect to the object store "Object_Store" from node eyyyyyy4-821c-498c-a82a-bxxxxxxxxxxd

  • Reason for Object store unavilable is seen to be Operation Timedout

OntapData::*> aggr object-store show -instance

                                   Aggregate Name: aggr1
          ONTAP Name for this Object Store Config: Object_Store
                                  UUID of the Bin: ayyyyyy0-bd25-11ea-a4fc-0xxxxxxxxxxd
                                       Bin Number: 1
                 Availability of the Object Store: unavailable
           Reason why Object Store is Unavailable: Operation Timedout
                 Object Store Config Id in Dblade: 1
                         S3 Client Handle in Cbin: 0
  SMDB Error for Partially Failed get() or next(): -
                             Bin is being Created: false
                                  Is Bin Deleted?: false
                            UUID of the Aggregate: eyyyyyy4-821c-498c-a82a-bxxxxxxxxxx8
           UUID of the Object Store Configuration: 9yyyyyye-bd25-11ea-a4fc-0xxxxxxxxxxd
                Type of the Object Store Provider: SGWS
                       Cached Value of Used Space: 98.67TB
                       License Space Used Percent: -
      Threshold for Reclaiming Unreferenced Space: 40%
Aggregate Fullness Threshold Required for Tiering: 50%
                              Name Format Version: 0
                         Object Store Mirror Type: primary
     This object store is in mirror degraded mode: -
Force Tiering with no Mirror in a MetroCluster Configuration: false
Allow a degraded cloud mirror to be swapped with an unavailable primary object store: -
                     Pending Operation on the Bin: none
True if this object store is the primary destination for IO: true
The name of the Cluster to which the bin belongs: OntapData
                         Modify Count for the Row: 0

  • Network ping/traceroute to object store via intercluster IP fails

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