Converting ONTAP Select to production license fails with "Failed to retrieve cluster identity from ONTAP" error
Applies to
- ONTAP Select
- Evaluation license
Attempting to convert an ONTAP Select instance from evaluation to production license via Deploy fails with
Failed to retrieve cluster identity from ONTAP
error.The following messages can be see in Deploy
log:2021-02-22 13:22:22,950| INFO| 1415|10553||132||133:__init__| <Event(id=346, request_id='10553', time='2021-02-22 13:22:22.939169', evtype='ONTAPInformationRefreshFailed', category='cluster', level='Error', detail='ONTAPGetClusterIdentityFailed: Failed to retrieve cluster identity from ONTAP. Reason: ZAPI unexpected exception. Operation: invoke. Func: <bound method NaServer.invoke of <common.NetApp.NaServer.NaServer object at 0x7fd6e05b9ba8>>. Exception: <ValueError("Invalid header value b'Basic YWRtaW46WHN3WChBbiNUdjRpQVhMU0hBIUxxU3lBIXRMTVNsNUMobkZASXdrZEVpT0B1TW84RlIh\
bkI='",)> Invalid header value b'Basic YWRtaW46WHN3WChBbiNUdjRpQVhMU0hBIUxxU3lBIXRMTVNsNUMobkZASXdrZEVpT0B1TW84RlIh