Cluster Refresh Operation Fails After Modifying Cluster Name
Applies to
- ONTAP Select v9.14.1
- The ONTAP Select Command Line Interface (CLI) reports the correct cluster name, IP address, and UUID.
- The ONTAP Deploy Manager incorrectly shows the cluster name.
- After modifying the cluster name and performing a Cluster Refresh, the operation fails and the following error is observed in the ONTAP Select Deploy logs:
(ONTAPdeploy) cluster refresh -mgmt-ip xx.xx.xx.xx -name <NEWNAME> -node-names <TEST> -node-hosts
ONTAP Select admin password:
The job for "cluster refresh" has been submitted with request-id 123456. To monitor its progress, use the command "job monitor -request-id 123456".
(ONTAPdeploy) job monitor -request-id 123456
[Request 123456 (failure)]: Job failed with error. 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'salt'