CONTAP-84141: ONTAP Select/Simulate ONTAP 9.13.1 video console appears to hang during boot
- When ONTAP Select 9.13.1 or Simulate ONTAP 9.13.1 node virtual machine is
rebooted, the video console can stop displaying content and appears to hang
early in the boot. - The node does continue to boot, and will become reachable via SSH,
HTTPS, or API once it is fully booted. - However, the videoconsole remains inaccessible.
- The boot may hang similar to below:
[Loading kernel...
Loading configured modules
Hit lenter] to boot immediately. or any other key for command prompt.
Booting [x86_64/freebsd/imagel/kernel1...
×86_64/freebsd/image1/kernel text=0x141650 text=Oxa5b6d8 text=0x17b194 data=Bx3cb40 data 0x420a40+
0:5025c0 sums=[0x6+8c4218+06+0×954851
×86_64/freebsd/image/platform.ko size Oxfde48 at 8x165a088