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NetApp Knowledge Base

What are the benefits of managing ATTO bridges in-band?

Last Updated:
5/4/2023, 4:53:15 PM

Applies to

  • MetroCluster FC
  • ATTO 7500N
  • ATTO 7600N


More Secure
  • The management port on the ATTO bridge is only capable of non-secure protocols (Telnet, http) by managing the bridge in-band the management port on the bridges can be secured to prevent any external access.
Improved Resilience
  • It is recommended to secure the bridge (disable ethernet configuration) if in-band management is used. Extensive network traffic might have impact on the availability or performance of the ATTO FibreBridge.
Simplified Management
  • All bridges can be managed over FC from the Ontap command line, functionality includes:
    • Configuration changes
    • Bridge firmware updates
    • Data collection
    • Bridge reboot


How to enable in-band monitoring and secure the bridges:
  1. Configure ONTAP to manage the bridges in-band
  2. Secure the bridges to disable access via the management port



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