MetroCluster-IP Switchback Fails With Error (fatal): Configuration replication service is not ready in cluster
Applies to
- MetroCluster-IP
- In switchover state
- All nodes booted
Switchback fails with error messages:
Failed to set up the node and cluster components for the switchback operation. Cluster01 (fatal): Configuration
replication service is not ready in cluster "Cluster02". Wait a few minutes, then try the command again.
Cluster01::Cluster01-N1 (non-overridable veto): Failed to read DR partner state. Verify that the Fibre Channel interconnect is up and not cross-connected, then retry the operation.
Search the EMS event log for multiple iterations of these error messages:
[Cluster01: DR_heartbeat_thread: cf.ic.xferTimedOutVSA:notice]: HA interconnect: MCC_DRSOM transfer timed out. [Cluster01: DR_heartbeat_thread: ems.engine.suppressed:debug]: Event 'rdma.rlib.event.error' suppressed 6 times in last 60 seconds.