Encrypted MDV volumes are offline after ONTAP upgrade
Applies to
- MetroCluster
- NAE ( NetApp Aggregate Encryption )
- Encrypted MDV_CRS volumes are offline and fails to online.
MCCA::> vol show
Vserver Volume Aggregate State Type Size Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
SVM1 MDV_CRS_53643bfe098111eb868cd039ea209236_A CRM_mhr_aggr_sas_3 offline RW 10GB
MCCA::> vol online -vserver SVM1 -volume MDV_CRS_53643bfe098111eb868cd039ea209236_A -force
Warning: You are about to modify the system volume "MDV_CRS_53643bfe098111eb868cd039ea209236_A". This may cause severe performance or stability problems. Do not proceed unless directed to do so by support. Do you want to proceed? {y|n}: y
vol online: Error onlining volume "MHR-CRMFASSAN01:MDV_CRS_53643bfe098111eb868cd039ea209236_A". Unable to set volume attributes for volume "MDV_CRS_53643bfe098111eb868cd039ea209236_A" on Vserver "SVM1". Reason: The encrypted volume can't be onlined as either software encryption has been disabled, or there is an error in inserting an encryption-key into the crypto table.