DR Config Replication alert due to a missing license
Applies to
- MetroCluster
- DR Config Replication alert
- Degraded SVMs reported
- DR Config Replication Failed alert is sent due to a license missing:
Error: You do not have a valid license for "xxx". Reason: Package "xxx" is not licensed in the cluster
- Event log may also report:
[mgwd: vsdr.invalid.license:debug]: Configuration replication on vserver VserverName failed due to an invalid license for package PackageName
metrocluster vserver show
will show an error for the specified vserver(s)
Reason: Failed to enable PackageName. Reason: Package "PackageName" is not licensed in the cluster. Install the PackageName license from the Security and Compliance Bundle using the "system license add -license-code <license-code>"