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Link Break on Multiple FC Target Adapters Due to Brocade Switch Reboot

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Brocade FC switch


  • Link breaks observed in EMS log on FC adapters of multiple nodes:
Tue Feb 13 01:11:22 +0000 [node1: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.slifct.linkBreak:error]: Link break detected on Fibre Channel target HBA 1c with event status 1 , topology type 1, status1 0x0, status2 0x0.
Tue Feb 13 01:11:23 +0000 [node2: fct_tpd_work_thread_0: scsitarget.slifct.linkBreak:error]: Link break detected on Fibre Channel target HBA 1c with event status 1 , topology type 1, status1 0x0, status2 0x0.
  • SYSCONFIG-A of the nodes shows affected adapters are connected to the same switch. For example both connected to switch2:
slot 1: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 1c
Switch Port:       switch2:68
slot 1: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 1c
Switch Port:       switch2:69
  • Brocade switch's errdump -a reports a Kernel Panic reboot around the time of the link breaks:
2024/02/13-01:32:26, [HAM-1004], 6610602, CHASSIS, INFO, BrocadeG630, Processor rebooted - Software Fault:Kernel Panic.
  • Switch core file contains an Oops:
Oops taken on: 2024-02-13 at 01:31:29:458270
Oops: Machine check, sig: 7 [#1]
  • errdumpall shows:
2024/02/13-01:32:26:106787, [PLAT-8054], 6628542/0, CHASSIS, INFO, BrocadeG630, Enable PCIe event IRQs 1, syspcie.c, line: 879, comp:rc, ltime:2024/02/13-01:32:22:249888
2024/02/13-01:32:26:106816, [HAM-1004], 6628543/6610602, CHASSIS, INFO, BrocadeG630, Processor rebooted - Software Fault:Kernel Panic., reboot.c, line: 117, comp:hamd, ltime:2024/02/13-01:32:23:265990
2024/02/13-01:32:26:106835, [IPC-5023], 6628544/0, CHASSIS, WARNING, BrocadeG630, HAM_PEER:1745 attempts to send message type(24) to invalid dest(EMIPC:0/0), comm.c, line: 474, comp:hamd, ltime:2024/02/13-01:32:24:280505

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