Error during FLI: This disk is in a failed state with the outage reason "failed". The Disk needs to be removed and replaced
Applies to
- Foreign LUN Import (FLI)
- Flexarray/ V-series
- Any Third party storage
An error occurs during lun import from third-party storage to NetApp:
Cluster_1::*> storage disk show -array-name xxxx_xX_x -instance
Disk: xxx-1.6
Container Type: foreign
Owner/Home: - / -
DR Home: -
Stack ID/Shelf/Bay: - / - / -
LUN: 0
Array: zzzz_xxxxxxx1
Vendor: xxx
Model: xxxxxxxxx
Serial Number: 60000970000297200068533030304145
UID: 60000970:00029720:00685330:30304145:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000:00000000
BPS: 512
Physical Size: 13.12GB
Position: present
Checksum Compatibility: block
Aggregate: -
Plex: -
LUN Initiator Side Target Side Link
Controller Initiator ID Switch Port Switch Port Acc Use Target Port TPGN Speed I/O KB/s IOPS
------------------ --------- ----- -------------------- -------------------- --- --- ----------------------- ------ ------- ------------ ------------
Cluster_1-02 2d 0 zzzz-zz-zzz-01:2-43 zzz-zz-zzz-01:3-3 AO INU 5000097578011046 7 16 Gb/S 0 0
Cluster_1-02 2d 0 zz-zz-zzz-01-01:2-43 zzz-zz-zzz-01:1-23 AO INU 50000975780110c6 7 16 Gb/S 0 0
Cluster_1-02 2c 0 zzz-zz-zzz-02:3-19 zzz-zz-zzz-02:3-13 AO INU 50000975780110c5 6 16 Gb/S 0 0
Cluster_1-01 2d 0 zzz-zz-zzz-01:1-16 zzz-zz-zzz:1-23 AO INU 50000975780110c6 7 16 Gb/S 0 0
This disk is in a failed state with the outage reason "failed". The Disk needs to be removed and replaced.