EMS reports scsiblade.lun.ids.change:error
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.13.1P6
- SM-BC SnapMirror
- EMS reports scsiblade.lun.ids.change:error.
[cluster2-02: BcomkaThr_04: scsiblade.lun.ids.change:error]: A change in identifiers of a LUN in Vserver SVM02 and volume with MSID 2159662485 has been detected. The previous and new serial numbers are '81KMn?Uiv7-6', '81KEr]Uivwzi'. The previous and new UUIDs are '8b21a58d-e9a1-4621-8a59-3d79af19a688', 'bb1bd76b-ed08-4910-a177-3e63d7cd8713'. The previous and new device text IDs are '', ''. The previous and new device binary IDs are '', ''. Other LUNs on this volume are also affected.
- The
lun show
command displays a new serial number and new UUID.
cluster2::*> lun show -fields uuid
vserver path uuid
------- -------------- ------------------------------------
SVM02 /vol/dest/lun0 bb1bd76b-ed08-4910-a177-3e63d7cd8713
- However, the
lun mapping show
still shows the previous UUID.
cluster2::*> lun mapping show -fields lun-uuid
vserver path igroup lun-uuid
------- -------------- ------- ----------------------------------
SVM02 /vol/dest/lun0 DB1 8b21a58d-e9a1-4621-8a59-3d79af19a688
SVM02 /vol/dest/lun0 DB2 8b21a58d-e9a1-4621-8a59-3d79af19a688
- SAN host sees the previous serial numbers.
# multipath -ll
asm_02 (3600a098038314b4d6e3f556976372d36) dm-17 NETAPP,LUN C-Mode
size=512G features='3 queue_if_no_path pg_init_retries 50' hwhandler='1 alua' wp=rw
|-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=50 status=active
| |- 1:0:0:3 sde 8:64 active ready running
| `- 1:0:1:3 sds 65:32 active ready running
`-+- policy='service-time 0' prio=10 status=enabled
|- 1:0:3:3 sdau 66:224 active ready running
|- 1:0:2:3 sdag 66:0 active ready running
|- 11:0:0:3 sdbi 67:192 active ready running
|- 11:0:1:3 sdbw 68:160 active ready running
|- 11:0:2:3 sdck 69:128 active ready running
`- 11:0:3:3 sdcy 70:96 active ready running
Note: Serial in HEX 38314b4d6e3f556976372d36
converts to ASCII value of 81KMn?Uiv7-6
- Other LUNs on the specified volume are also effected.