ONTAP S3 server is unreachable on HTTP and SSL ports
Applies to
- ONTAP 9.8 and higher
- ONTAP S3 server
ONTAP S3 server seems not to be listening on ports 80 and 443, although pings to its data LIF are successful:
Vserver: S3_vserver
Object Store Server Name: S3_vserver.example.com
Administrative State: up
HTTP Enabled: true
Listener Port For HTTP: 80
HTTPS Enabled: true
Secure Listener Port For HTTPS: 443
Certificate for HTTPS Connections: S3_vserver-s3.example.com
pdxcob01::> network connections listening show
Vserver Name Interface Name:Local Port Protocol/Service
---------------- ------------------------------------- -----------------------
Node: lif
Cluster lifA_clus1:7700 TCP/ctlopcp
S3_vserver lifA-S3:111 TCP/port-map
S3_vserver lifA-S3:111 UDP/port-map
Cluster lifA_clus2:7700 TCP/ctlopcp
Node: lifB
S3_vserver lifB-s3:111 TCP/port-map
S3_vserver lifB-s3:111 UDP/port-map
Cluster lifB_clus1:7700 TCP/ctlopcp
Cluster lifB_clus2:7700 TCP/ctlopcp
8 entries were displayed.