Unable to write on NFS exports due to no write access in export policy
Applies to
- ONTAP 9 and later
- NFS client trying to write but failed and getting permission denied error:
[root@host mount]# mkdir test
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘test’: Permission denied
- NFS server does not provide required permission.
- NFS path has 777 access which means any user should be able to read/write:
::> vserver file-directory show -vserver vs1 -path /volume1
Vserver: vs1
File Path: /volume1
File Inode Number: 64
Security Style: unix
Effective Style: unix
DOS Attributes: 10
DOS Attributes in Text: ----D---
Expanded Dos Attributes: -
UNIX User Id: 0
UNIX Group Id: 0
UNIX Mode Bits: 777
UNIX Mode Bits in Text: rwxrwxrwx
ACLs: -