Unable to set ACLs using the Security tab in Windows
Applies to
- An error is seen when attempting to set ACLs using the Security tab on a Windows client connecting via CIFS.
Security style is mixed and Effective Style is unix on the file or directory
::>vserver security file-directory> show -vserver vs1 -path /file1 -volume-name vs1rootvol
Vserver: vs1
File Path: /fiile1
Security Style: mixed <----
Effective Style: unix <----
DOS Attributes: 20
DOS Attributes in Text: ---A----
Expanded Dos Attributes: -
Unix User Id: 65534
Unix Group Id: 65534
Unix Mode Bits: 777
Unix Mode Bits in Text: rwxrwxrwx
ACLs: -
- Affected uiser is not part of the Administrators group
1. Log in to the Domain Controller.
2. Click Start > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users and Computers
3. Search for the user name and click the Member of tab to check the groups of which this user is a member.