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NetApp Knowledge Base

Increased latency and timeouts due to vscan latency

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9


kernel: Nblade_CifsOperationTimedOut_1:error]: params: {'remoteBladeID': '<id> (<node_name>)', 'cmdRestartCnt': '0', 'vserverId': '7', 'commandName': 'SMB2_COM_CREATE', 'isQosEnabled': 'QoS_disabled', 'lastSpinNpError': 'SPINNP_ERR_OFFBOX_VSCAN_REQD', 'localIpAddress': '10.xx.xx.xx', 'lastCsmError': 'CSM_OK', 'clientIpAddress': '10.xx.xx.xx', 'vserverName': '<svm_name>', 'suspensionCnt': '<count>', 'dsId': '<id>'}
Tue May 21 10:36:18 +0900 [node-01: kernel: ems.engine.suppressed:debug]: Event 'Nblade.CifsOperationTimedOut' suppressed 60 times in last 273 seconds.

  Cluster: cluster1 (4cfa91c5-761a-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx)
    Node: node1 (4cfa91c5-761a-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxxxx)
    Time Range: 2024-07-21 18:00:00.999+00:00 - 2024-07-22 00:00:00.001+00:00
time interval                         offbox_vscan_server                  offbox_vscan_server  offbox_vscan_server
                                      instance                                    scan_latency    scan_latency_base
------------------------------------  -----------------------------------  -------------------  -------------------
2024-07-21 18:31:18 - 18:36:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    129298.60                    5
2024-07-21 18:36:18 - 18:41:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    121461.00                    3
2024-07-21 18:41:18 - 18:46:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    152285.50
2024-07-21 18:56:18 - 19:01:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    243688.50
2024-07-21 19:01:18 - 19:06:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    314138.00
2024-07-21 19:11:18 - 19:16:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    141676.00
2024-07-21 19:16:18 - 19:21:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    143551.20                    5
2024-07-21 19:21:18 - 19:26:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    138153.50
2024-07-21 19:26:18 - 19:31:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    366887.00                    3
2024-07-21 19:31:18 - 19:36:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                   1776264.29                    7
2024-07-21 19:36:18 - 19:41:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    390445.80                    5
2024-07-21 19:41:18 - 19:46:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                   2185337.75                    4
2024-07-21 19:46:18 - 19:51:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    342919.09                   11
2024-07-21 19:51:18 - 19:56:18+00:00  svm1:10.x.x.1:node1                    566124.60                   10

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