Flexcache volume inaccessible via NFS after batch ANDU
Applies to
- ONTAP 9+
- Local Flexcache
- Batch ANDU
- Origin volume is a snapmirror destination
- Flexcache volume become inaccessible via NFS after a batch ANDU
- Origin volume is accessible
- Node with Origin volume will show below messages in sktraces
WAFLREMOTE_EXCEPTION: Failing retrieve for origin 1051.5705393 with ERETRY because cache vol-msid: 2149588280 is fenced pending NIX
WAFLREMOTE_EXCEPTION: NIX Mgr completed with status fail (3002)
- Node with cache will have the following in EMS
Nblade.JunctionRootLookup2: Junction root lookup failed for a volume (Name: <flexcache volume name>, MSID: <flexcache volume MSID>) in Vserver (Name: <flexcache vserver>, ID: <flexcache vserver ID>) with reason: SPINNP(292)
SPINNP_ERR_RETRY = 292, // General-purpose retry error code
kernel: Nblade.dBladeNoResponse.NFS:error]: File operation timed out because there was no response from the data-serving node. Node UUID: <node UUID>, file operation protocol: NFS, client IP address: <client IP>, Opcode/Procedure: NFS3_LOOKUP(3).