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NetApp Knowledge Base

FPolicy file blocking for ONTAP 9

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • ONTAP 9
  • Data ONTAP 8
  • FPolicy


  • For administrators want to have policies that do not allow certain file types to be stored on the file server. FPolicy can scan for such files based on the following:
    • File extensions (native support in Data ONTAP): For example, block all files matching *.mp3. This is a fast but less reliable approach. It does not need data access to files. Native support for file blocking based on file extensions does not require a connection to any external FPolicy server. 
    • File magic signature (requires external server): For example, block all files with magic and signature matching mp3 format. This is slower as the FPolicy server needs to access the data in the file. This is more accurate as signature matching is done, similar to what anti-virus scanners do to detect viruses.
  • The administrator should enable events for CREATE, OPEN, CLOSE and RENAME requests. When the FPolicy server is notified of these event triggers, it can run checks based on either of the two mechanisms (file extension or file signature) and DENY requests if match is found.


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