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NetApp Knowledge Base

7MTT aborts transfer while creating baseline with Error "Transfer failed"

Last Updated:

Applies to

  • 7-Mode Transition Tool (7MTT)
  • Copy Based Transition (CBT)
  • ONTAP 9
  • Clustered Data ONTAP 8
  • Data ONTAP 8 in 7-Mode
  • Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) 9000


  • 7MTT aborts transfer while creating baseline with Error Transfer failed
  • Clustered Data ONTAP / ONTAP 9 EMS log:

10/27/2020 16:35:44 cluster1-n1  NOTICE recover.abort.ROOLR: The abort event, snapmirror: Cannot Init NTM, aborting

10/27/2020 16:35:44 cluster1-n1 ERROR replication.dst.err: SnapMirror: destination transfer from 7mode_hostname:volume to cluster_volume : replication transfer failed to complete.
10/27/2020 16:35:45 cluster1-n1 ERROR Initialize from source volume '7mode_hostname:volume' to destination volume 'cluster_SVM_hostname:volume' failed with error 'Transfer failed.'. Relationship UUID '1a5b1234-1bcd-12c3-efgh-123456789101'.
  • Interfaces configured with MTU 9000, however network ping with packet size larger than 1500 and Do-Not-Fragment (DF) bit enabled fails:
::> network ping -lif-owner node_name -lif intercluster_lif -destination 7Mode_Data_copy_IP -packet-size 9000 -disallow-fragmentation true -show-detail true -record-route true -count 10
Message too long


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