CONTAP-90483: "Access Denied" to CIFS share of a SnapMirror destination with native Fpolicy enabled
- Clients encounter Access Denied when trying to access a CIFS share
Windows cannot access share You do not have permission to access "\\share" contact your network administrator to request access - The share path points to the root of the volume
- A sectrace shows access is denied by FPOLICY
::*> vserver security trace trace-result show -vserver svm1-dr
Vserver: svm1
Node Index Filter Details Reason
--------------- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------
node-01 1 Security Style: - Access is denied by the
FPolicy native policy.
Protocol: cifs
Volume: -
Share: Share
Path: /volume
Win-User: DOMAIN\AdminUser
UNIX-User: root
Session-ID: 123456789 - The volume is a DP volume and the destination of currently synced SnapMirror relationship
- Native Fpolicy is enabled, blocking OPEN events on files with * specified on the -file-extensions-to-include configuration
- The user should otherwise be allowed access based on file permissions, share permissions, and export policies