CONTAP-40049: High memory consumption caused by Vscan sub-component of ONTAP
- High memory consumption by vscan sub-component observed
- Vscan servers may be disconnected
- EMS logs in context:
kernel: Nblade.vscanBadIPPrivAccess:error]: For Vserver "svm", the attempt to connect to the privileged ONTAP_ADMIN$ share by the client "10.x.x.x" is rejected because its IP or hostname is not configured in any of the Vserver active scanner pools.
nblade2: Nblade.vscanNoScannerConn:EMERGENCY]: Vserver "svm" has no virus scanner connection.
mgwd: vscan.pool.autoActivated:info]: Vscan scanner pool 'pool' is automatically activated on Vserver 'svm'.
- ONTAP cluster node may reboot unexpectedly