CONTAP-171513: SECD becomes unresponsive and restart on its own
- In certain rare conditions, SecD (Security Daemon) might become unresponsive and restart on its own.
- EMS:
kernel: Nblade_CifsOperationTimedOut_1:error]: params: \{'remoteBladeID': '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000', 'cmdRestartCnt': '0', 'vserverId': '8', 'commandName': 'SMB2_COM_SESSION_SETUP', 'isQosEnabled': 'QoS_disabled', 'lastSpinNpError': 'SPINNP_NO_FO_ERROR', 'localIpAddress': x.x.x.x', 'lastCsmError': 'CSM_OK', 'clientIpAddress': 'x.x.x.x', 'vserverName': 'stmknas1', 'suspensionCnt': '1867', 'dsId': '0'}
secd: kern.vm.mmap.return:notice]: mmap(2) by secd (pid 14780) for size 167772160 failed: VMEM limit exceeded, limit 2138311065, error 12.
secd: secd.cifsAuth.problem:error]: vserver (X) General CIFS authentication problem. Error: User authentication procedure failed CIFS SMB2 Share mapping - Client Ip = x.x.x.x [ 0 ms] Login attempt by domain user 'dom\username$' using NTLMv2 style security [ 9] Successfully connected to ip x.x.x.x, port 445 using TCP [ 9] Unable to connect to NetLogon service on (Error: RESULT_ERROR_GENERAL_OUT_OF_MEMORY) [ 10] No servers available for MS_NETLOGON, vserver: 38, domain: **[ 10] FAILURE: Unable to make a connection (NetLogon:DOM.NET), result: 6940 [ 10] CIFS authentication failed
- SecD:
secd: Received SIGABRT (Signal 6) at RIP 0x8080fab2a (pid 14780, uid 0, timestamp 1692347390).
Note: The string
in secd logs will suggest the likelihood of hitting this memory leak