CONTAP-158792: Intermitent permission denied error for NFS client while renaming file on NTFS volume
- Getting intermittent permission denied on Unix server for running symbolic job creation.
- Symbolic link creation job is creating symbolic link and renaming the same.
- Sectrace show below error:
node1 1 Security Style: NTFS and Access is allowed because
NT ACL explicit ACE grants requested
access. Access is denied. The
requested permissions are not
granted by the ACE while
checking parent's modebits
during delete. Access is not
granted for: "Execute",
Protocol: nfs
Volume: vol1
Share: -
Path: /vol1/qtree1/dir1/dir2/dir3/file1
Win-User: -
UNIX-User: 12345
Session-ID: -
- There is NTFS Cifs share lock on the file:
cluster::> vserver locks show -vserver vs1 -path /vol1/qtree1/dir1/dir2/dir3/file1 -instance
Vserver: vs1
Volume: vol1
Logical Interface: data-lif
Object Path: /vol1/qtree1/dir1/dir2/dir3/file1
Lock UUID: 27af00c0-0b96-462c-acad-242f65c09ab9
Is Constituent Volume: false
Lock Protocol: cifs
Lock Type: share-level
Node Holding Lock State: node1
Lock State: granted
Bytelock Starting Offset: -
Number of Bytes Locked: -
Bytelock is Mandatory: -
Bytelock is Exclusive: -
Bytelock is Superlock: -
Bytelock is Soft: -
Oplock Level: -
Shared Lock Access Mode: read-deny_none
Shared Lock is Soft: false
Delegation Type: -
Owner ID: feff-0206000000020000000a04000000000000000000000000ffff0ac0451f451b234e010000000d0000001d00000000000000
Client Address: 10.xx.xx.12
Client Address Type: ipv4