ONTAP ANDU did not update the second node
Applies to
- Automated Non-Disruptive Upgrade (ANDU)
- After updating the first node, the ANDU process failed to update the second node.
Cluster Name: Cluster-00 Status: paused-on-error
Node name Status Status Description
-------------------- --------------- -------------------------------------
Node-01 waiting
Node-02 failed Error: Task failed due to timeout
Action: Ensure that nodes are
healthy and try resuming the update
operation after some time.
- After some time, the update paused with the following error:
Wed May 29 03:17:05 +0200 [cluster1-01: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausedErr:error]: The automated update of the cluster has been paused due to the following reason: Error: {Update timeout occured in State[Giveback]-- Tasks Pending in nodes <> Task Name: do-giveback-job}, Action: {Ensure that nodes are healthy and try resuming the update operation after some time}