LIF migration fails during ANDU using the batch method
Applies to
- Automated Nondisruptive Upgrade (ANDU)
- Batch Method
- During an ANDU ONTAP upgrade a data LIF (Logical interface) migration fails causing the upgrade process to pause.
- When a node takes over its partner, the partner's LIFs migrate according to network interface failover target rules.
- In this scenario, since the partner was not part of the data LIF failover target, it tried to fail over to another node in the cluster.
- The LIF migration fails since the target node was not available as it was going through the upgrade process.
::> net int show -vserver test -lif lif4 -fields failover-group
(network interface show)
vserver lif failover-group
-------- ---- --------------
test lif4 TEST
::> network interface failover-groups show -failover-group TEST
Vserver Group Targets
---------------- ---------------- --------------------------------------------
<admin vserver>
node-04:a0a-105, node-01:a0a-105
::> cluster image show-update-progress
Estimated Elapsed
-------------------- ----------------- --------------- ---------------
Pre-update checks completed 00:10:00 00:02:09
Data ONTAP updates paused-on-error 02:34:00 02:59:26
Node name Status Status Description
-------------------- ----------------- --------------------------------------
node-01 waiting
node-02 completed
node-03 waiting
node-04 failed Error: Failed to migrate data LIFs
from node "node-04".
Action: Migrate all of the data LIFs
migrate -vserver <vserver-name> -lif
<data-lif-name> -dest-node node-03" command.
node-05 waiting
node-06 completed
node-07 waiting
Status: Paused-An error occurred in "Data ONTAP updates" phase.The update cannot continue until the error has been resolved.
Event logs\EMS:
Thu Apr 01 16:01:03 -0700 [node-02: upgrademgr: upgrademgr.update.pausedErr:error]: The automated update of the
cluster has been paused due to the following reason:
Node "node-03": Error: {Failed to migrate data LIFs from node "node-04".},
Action: {Migrate each of the data LIFs using the "network interface migrate
-vserver -lif -dest-node node-03" command.}.