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Quality of Service limit is not enforced

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  • Quality of Service limit is not enforced when using a maximum (ceiling) limit of IOPS and throughput (MB/s), in addition to a minimum (floor) limit
  • A higher limit of MB/s is allowed than the policy is configured for

Example: A QoS policy is set to 4000IOPS, 300 MB/s max with a floor of 200 IOPS yet is only getting limited at 4000 IOPS but not 300 MB/s

Cluster::> vol show -volume vol1 -fields qos-policy-group
vserver volume qos-policy-group
------- ------ ----------------
svm1      vol1     qos-policy-1

Cluster::> qos policy-group show -policy-group qos-policy-1

              Policy Group Name: qos-policy-1
                        Vserver: svm1
                           Uuid: 12345678-9012-3456-7890-123456789012
             Policy Group Class: user-defined
                Policy Group ID: 11948
             Maximum Throughput: 4000IOPS,300MB/s
             Minimum Throughput: 200IOPS
            Number of Workloads: 1
              Throughput Policy: 200IOPS-4000IOPS,300MB/s
                      Is Shared: true
       Is Policy Auto Generated: -
cluster::> qos statistics volume performance show -volume vol1 -vserver svm1
Workload            ID     IOPS       Throughput    Latency
--------------- ------ -------- ---------------- ----------
-total-              -     4097      1111.90MB/s   216.87ms
vol1-wid104        104     3995      1111.75MB/s   412.78ms

cluster::> qos statistics workload latency show -volume vol1 -vserver svm1
Workload            ID    Latency    Network    Cluster       Data       Disk    QoS Max    QoS Min      NVRAM      Cloud  FlexCache    SM Sync         VA
--------------- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
-total-              -    48.38ms     3.04ms    48.00us   717.00us   125.00us    17.09ms        0ms     2.00us        0ms        0ms        0ms        0ms
vol1               104   464.73ms    19.72ms        0ms    57.00us    14.00us   444.44ms        0ms     1.00us        0ms        0ms        0ms        0ms


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